ARCHITECTURAL MODIFICATIONS: Use these forms for architectural modifications. If you wish to expand your patio walls or install a gate, you are required to use the following specifications. Most architectural modifications require the recording of a Covenant to Maintain. All architectural modifications must be in accordance with the CC&R’s and Rules & Regulations and must be approved by the Board in writing before any work can be done. A Covenant to Maintain must also be properly filed at the Santa Barbara County Clerk Recorder's Office prior to construction.
TRANSFER OF TITLE: Because these units are situated on land leased by the Association from the Goleta Union School District, and subleased by the Association to each individual owner, a Consent in writing by the Association to assignment of each Sublease is required prior to closing of escrow. Use this Application to obtain Consent. Upon the sale of a unit, it is recommended that this approved form of Grant Deed and Assignment of Sublease be used to transfer title.
TENANT ABIDANCE AGREEMENT: When an owner rents a unit the Rental provisions of the CC&R’s should be complied with, and in addition the tenant must sign this form indicating agreement to comply with all the CC&R’s, Bylaws and Rules & Regulations.
PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING COMPLAINTS: If an owner has a complaint against another owner for violation of the governing documents of the Association which cannot be resolved between the two parties, this procedure should be followed for the Board to consider and act on the complaint.
RV LOT AGREEMENT: If an owner or tenant wishes to store an appropriate vehicle in the RV Lot, Management should be contacted to have your written request placed on the agenda for Board approval. This is the form that is used and you must comply with all of the provisions. Proof of registration of the vehicle is required in advance of placing the vehicle in the RV Lot.
VILLAGE AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE INFORMATION: Use this form if you want to request information or opt out of being included in information regarding the addresses of owners of the Association.